Friday, February 20, 2009

Thank You Senator Hutchison

Dear Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

We the parents of deceased Fireman Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr. want to thank you for writing a letter to President Obama to reconsider the closure of Guantanamo Prison. As you know President Obama just recently dismissed the charges against al-Nashiri the terrorist accused in the attack on the USS Cole which killed our son.

We are extremely worried that if al-Nashiri and the other terrorists are moved to a prison here in America that they will receive constitutional rights, which would possibly lead to their release.

We hope that you and your fellow republicans will continue to fight President Obama’s decision not only for the safety of all Americans, but also that our son and his family can finally receive justice after 8 long years.


Gary and Debbie Swenchonis
Remember the Cole!

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