Its our family's hope that Israel will win this new battle in the on-going war against Hamas in Palestine. Will they stop short of victory again? Will they continue to make more concessions to the terrorists? Only to have every concession that they have made used against them by Hamas and Hezbolla. Granted most of these concessions were pushed upon the Israelis by President Carter, Clinton and Bush. But also Israel must have know that they needed to make the concessions to show the world that no matter what they did, the terrorists would still kill their people.
Will it be as the Israels Defense Minister stated, "war to the bitter end".It had to happen sooner or later. Common sense dictates that no rational individual can negotiate with murderers. Especially when those terrorists have repeatedly stated over and over how they will not stop till Israel is destroyed. Would our presidents and politicians allow rockets to be fired from Mexico into Texas on a daily basis? I would hope not. With as weak willed as some of our leaders have become it would not surprise me at all though to be honest. Think Harry Reid, Clinton, Pelosi, ets...
But then again I suspect that many of our leaders are jumping for joy that Israel is is taking action against these terrorists. I hope that our leaders will at least give them verbal support. And will Iran let Hezbollah off the leash to attack Israel as well? But more importantly will Israel have the stamina, courage and conviction to stand up against those nations and groups who are already crying out how brutal and barbaric Israels actions are. Yet in reality Israel is only acting in self-defense. Yet unfortunately there will be women and chiildren killed. And why? Because the terrorists will use them for cover as they always do in their attacks. And also the terrorists know that the liberals and Jew haters here in America will use those deaths to beat Israel over the head with. They are already doing it too in the papers, the TV and on the internet. But will the Israeli haters lay the blame on the terrorists. No. And the same with other nations who despise Israel and the democratic values that Israel represents.
And one of those nations is one of American dubious allies President Saleh of Yemen. Saleh was quoted as saying that the Israeli army "must stop its brutal genocide" in Palestine. And this is coming from the man who uses Al-Qaeda to kill his own people who disagree with him, and to advance his own personal agenda. Saleh has also called a Arab summit to discuss Israels recent attacks and how they are depriving the Palestinians of their "human rights".
That was enough to make me howl with laughter! This petty little dictator makes it a habit to throw reporters, and editors into prison on a regular basis. Lets not forget how he has also kept food and water from the segment of people who have rebelled against his tyranny. Yet he is crying foul against Israel. And this is the wacko that both Clinton and Bush supported. One of Saleh's dreams is to have all of the factions in Palestine to unite against Israel. And he has been working hard on that goal to materialize.
And then their is the "What will Obama do?" question. I have to agree with others that is partly why Israel has attacked in the first place. I think they new what he would do. He would probably want Israel to release more terrorists so they could come back and fight them again, and or to give up more land. Maybe the Israelis who have much more experience and practical sense in dealing terrorists know that freeing killers is not conducive to ones own survival. And that by giving up land today will only be more land that your troops have to re-conquer tomorrow. Or land that the terrorists will fire their rockets from, and use to train other terrorists on to kill your citizens from in the future with.
Either way I back Israel for standing up to the real barbarians who want to destroy one of the finest societies that this planet has ever been witness too.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Al-Qaeda Terrorists Rats Out President Saleh of Yemen
Hamza Ali Saleh al Dhayani an Al-Qaeda terrorist's claims that President Saleh of Yemen has repeatedly ordered terror attacks within Yemen. These attacks according to the terrorist are planned with the help of Saleh's Political Security Organization (PLO). Think Gestapo. With this past September attack by Al-Qaeda on the US Embassy being one of those attacks sanctioned by Saleh to garner foreign support from America and other countries in his so called war on terrorism. It would not be the first time that Saleh has used Al-Qaeda to meet his own agenda.
Al-Dhayani is a wanted fugitive for terrorists attacks in Yemen. He gave the interview to Mareb Press after taking several security precautions to aviod being caught. I for one am inclined to believe him for numerous reasons. Its a know fact that Saleh has placed "reformed" Al-Qaeda" members in the PLO, and his government as well.
This only confirms to me what I have already been told by other Yemenis. And Saleh's own behavior in regards to the USS Cole bombers. The 9/11 Commission Report even states that one of the bombers was released from jail after Bin Laden called the government to secure his release before the attack on the Cole. And lets not forget how one of Saleh's government officials gave three of the future bombers of the Cole a written pass to travel freely so as to be able to gather the necessary equipment to carry out the attack. That came out in court, but was hushed up immediately by Saleh's regime. I am still waiting for an answer as to why our government took no action on that issue.
Dhayani also stated that he met some former Guantanamo inmates while doing some time in a Political Prison in Yemen. He claims that conditions are much worse in Yemen prisons than at Gitmo. That the Yemeni PLO uses torture on a routine basis. And I can bet its not no "waterboarding" either. Their torture is the real deal as they say.
The good news about Dhayani ratting Saleh out is that his interview collaborates what many of American and Yemeni citizens, and analysts have know for years. The Dirty Little Secret that Saleh is playing the middle from both ends. And its way past time for our own government to to stop acting like they do not know it. I had FBI agents tell me the same thing off the record of course. Who were just as frustrated as I was that both Clinton and Bush chose to protect Saleh's crooked regime for political purposes.
I would think now that our government would be having serious doubts as to how long they can continue this charade of claiming that President Saleh is one of the "good guys". Historically when a dictatorship is in its last days, that totalitarian state's violent and oppressive behaviors towards its citizens increases as the state loses more power,and control. And anyone watching Yemen from the outside can see where Saleh is becoming more desperate in his attempts at maintaining his power. Our own government should cut its losses with Saleh's regime now to avoid further embarrassment in the world community for supporting a ruthless dictator with the blood of 17 America sailors and Yemeni citizens on his hands.
I can't help but to relate some of the horror stories I have been told by Yemeni's who have escaped from Saleh's regime. How one man was in prison because he openly criticized Saleh, and was tortured. His son was picked up after he left Yemen, and never heard from again. How angry a Yemeni mother was that America tax dollars bought the guns that killed her son. How other Yemenis had loved ones taken away from them by the Saleh's PLO never to return. And yet another individual who was in the General Peoples Congress in Yemen. He disagreed with something that I want go into now, but he was put in prison and tortured. These people including many more called me to express their support for me and my wife's goal to have our government stop the aid to Yemen. Many still live in fear today that Saleh's PLO agents will find them and either hurt them or their families. Liberals please take note: Saleh's regimes is a real dictatorship, not Bush and America. That's what the Yemenis came here for, the freedoms we have and enjoy everyday.
And this last line is for the Pro Saleh People. I will not be dissuaded by your phone calls, and or implied threats. So enjoy your power trip while you can.
Terrorism: Politicians and Victims at 12/05/2008 12:08:00
Al-Dhayani is a wanted fugitive for terrorists attacks in Yemen. He gave the interview to Mareb Press after taking several security precautions to aviod being caught. I for one am inclined to believe him for numerous reasons. Its a know fact that Saleh has placed "reformed" Al-Qaeda" members in the PLO, and his government as well.
This only confirms to me what I have already been told by other Yemenis. And Saleh's own behavior in regards to the USS Cole bombers. The 9/11 Commission Report even states that one of the bombers was released from jail after Bin Laden called the government to secure his release before the attack on the Cole. And lets not forget how one of Saleh's government officials gave three of the future bombers of the Cole a written pass to travel freely so as to be able to gather the necessary equipment to carry out the attack. That came out in court, but was hushed up immediately by Saleh's regime. I am still waiting for an answer as to why our government took no action on that issue.
Dhayani also stated that he met some former Guantanamo inmates while doing some time in a Political Prison in Yemen. He claims that conditions are much worse in Yemen prisons than at Gitmo. That the Yemeni PLO uses torture on a routine basis. And I can bet its not no "waterboarding" either. Their torture is the real deal as they say.
The good news about Dhayani ratting Saleh out is that his interview collaborates what many of American and Yemeni citizens, and analysts have know for years. The Dirty Little Secret that Saleh is playing the middle from both ends. And its way past time for our own government to to stop acting like they do not know it. I had FBI agents tell me the same thing off the record of course. Who were just as frustrated as I was that both Clinton and Bush chose to protect Saleh's crooked regime for political purposes.
I would think now that our government would be having serious doubts as to how long they can continue this charade of claiming that President Saleh is one of the "good guys". Historically when a dictatorship is in its last days, that totalitarian state's violent and oppressive behaviors towards its citizens increases as the state loses more power,and control. And anyone watching Yemen from the outside can see where Saleh is becoming more desperate in his attempts at maintaining his power. Our own government should cut its losses with Saleh's regime now to avoid further embarrassment in the world community for supporting a ruthless dictator with the blood of 17 America sailors and Yemeni citizens on his hands.
I can't help but to relate some of the horror stories I have been told by Yemeni's who have escaped from Saleh's regime. How one man was in prison because he openly criticized Saleh, and was tortured. His son was picked up after he left Yemen, and never heard from again. How angry a Yemeni mother was that America tax dollars bought the guns that killed her son. How other Yemenis had loved ones taken away from them by the Saleh's PLO never to return. And yet another individual who was in the General Peoples Congress in Yemen. He disagreed with something that I want go into now, but he was put in prison and tortured. These people including many more called me to express their support for me and my wife's goal to have our government stop the aid to Yemen. Many still live in fear today that Saleh's PLO agents will find them and either hurt them or their families. Liberals please take note: Saleh's regimes is a real dictatorship, not Bush and America. That's what the Yemenis came here for, the freedoms we have and enjoy everyday.
And this last line is for the Pro Saleh People. I will not be dissuaded by your phone calls, and or implied threats. So enjoy your power trip while you can.
Terrorism: Politicians and Victims at 12/05/2008 12:08:00
Another Terrorists Rats Out Saleh
Hamza Ali Saleh al Dhayani an Al-Qaeda terrorist's claims that President Saleh of Yemen has repeatedly ordered terror attacks within Yemen. These attacks according to the terrorist are planned with the help of Saleh's Political Security Organization (PLO). Think Gestapo. With this past September attack by Al-Qaeda on the US Embassy being one of those attacks sanctioned by Saleh to garner foreign support from America and other countries in his so called war on terrorism. It would not be the first time that Saleh has used Al-Qaeda to meet his own agenda.
Al-Dhayani is a wanted fugitive for terrorists attacks in Yemen. He gave the interview to Mareb Press after taking several security precautions to aviod being caught. I for one am inclined to believe him for numerous reasons. Its a know fact that Saleh has placed "reformed" Al-Qaeda" members in the PLO, and his government as well.
This only confirms to me what I have already been told by other Yemenis. And Saleh's own behavior in regards to the USS Cole bombers. The 9/11 Commission Report even states that one of the bombers was released from jail after Bin Laden called the government to secure his release before the attack on the Cole. And lets not forget how one of Saleh's government officials gave three of the future bombers of the Cole a written pass to travel freely so as to be able to gather the necessary equipment to carry out the attack. That came out in court, but was hushed up immediately by Saleh's regime. I am still waiting for an answer as to why our government took no action on that issue.
Dhayani also stated that he met some former Guantanamo inmates while doing some time in a Political Prison in Yemen. He claims that conditions are much worse in Yemen prisons than at Gitmo. That the Yemeni PLO uses torture on a routine basis. And I can bet its not no "waterboarding" either. Their torture is the real deal as they say.
The good news about Dhayani ratting Saleh out is that his interview collaborates what many of American and Yemeni citizens, and analysts have know for years. The Dirty Little Secret that Saleh is playing the middle from both ends. And its way past time for our own government to to stop acting like they do not know it. I had FBI agents tell me the same thing off the record of course. Who were just as frustrated as I was that both Clinton and Bush chose to protect Saleh's crooked regime for political purposes.
I would think now that our government would be having serious doubts as to how long they can continue this charade of claiming that President Saleh is one of the "good guys". Historically when a dictatorship is in its last days, that totalitarian state's violent and oppressive behaviors towards its citizens increases as the state loses more power,and control. And anyone watching Yemen from the outside can see where Saleh is becoming more desperate in his attempts at maintaining his power. Our own government should cut its losses with Saleh's regime now to avoid further embarrassment in the world community for supporting a ruthless dictator with the blood of 17 America sailors and Yemeni citizens on his hands.
I can't help but to relate some of the horror stories I have been told by Yemeni's who have escaped from Saleh's regime. How one man was in prison because he openly criticized Saleh, and was tortured. His son was picked up after he left Yemen, and never heard from again. How angry a Yemeni mother was that America tax dollars bought the guns that killed her son. How other Yemenis had loved ones taken away from them by the Saleh's PLO never to return. And yet another individual who was in the General Peoples Congress in Yemen. He disagreed with something that I want go into now, but he was put in prison and tortured. These people including many more called me to express their support for me and my wife's goal to have our government stop the aid to Yemen. Many still live in fear today that Saleh's PLO agents will find them and either hurt them or their families. Liberals please take note: Saleh's regimes is a real dictatorship, not Bush and America. That's what the Yemenis came here for, the freedoms we have and enjoy everyday.
And this last line is for the Pro Saleh People. I will not be dissuaded by your phone calls, and or implied threats. So enjoy your power trip while you can.
Al-Dhayani is a wanted fugitive for terrorists attacks in Yemen. He gave the interview to Mareb Press after taking several security precautions to aviod being caught. I for one am inclined to believe him for numerous reasons. Its a know fact that Saleh has placed "reformed" Al-Qaeda" members in the PLO, and his government as well.
This only confirms to me what I have already been told by other Yemenis. And Saleh's own behavior in regards to the USS Cole bombers. The 9/11 Commission Report even states that one of the bombers was released from jail after Bin Laden called the government to secure his release before the attack on the Cole. And lets not forget how one of Saleh's government officials gave three of the future bombers of the Cole a written pass to travel freely so as to be able to gather the necessary equipment to carry out the attack. That came out in court, but was hushed up immediately by Saleh's regime. I am still waiting for an answer as to why our government took no action on that issue.
Dhayani also stated that he met some former Guantanamo inmates while doing some time in a Political Prison in Yemen. He claims that conditions are much worse in Yemen prisons than at Gitmo. That the Yemeni PLO uses torture on a routine basis. And I can bet its not no "waterboarding" either. Their torture is the real deal as they say.
The good news about Dhayani ratting Saleh out is that his interview collaborates what many of American and Yemeni citizens, and analysts have know for years. The Dirty Little Secret that Saleh is playing the middle from both ends. And its way past time for our own government to to stop acting like they do not know it. I had FBI agents tell me the same thing off the record of course. Who were just as frustrated as I was that both Clinton and Bush chose to protect Saleh's crooked regime for political purposes.
I would think now that our government would be having serious doubts as to how long they can continue this charade of claiming that President Saleh is one of the "good guys". Historically when a dictatorship is in its last days, that totalitarian state's violent and oppressive behaviors towards its citizens increases as the state loses more power,and control. And anyone watching Yemen from the outside can see where Saleh is becoming more desperate in his attempts at maintaining his power. Our own government should cut its losses with Saleh's regime now to avoid further embarrassment in the world community for supporting a ruthless dictator with the blood of 17 America sailors and Yemeni citizens on his hands.
I can't help but to relate some of the horror stories I have been told by Yemeni's who have escaped from Saleh's regime. How one man was in prison because he openly criticized Saleh, and was tortured. His son was picked up after he left Yemen, and never heard from again. How angry a Yemeni mother was that America tax dollars bought the guns that killed her son. How other Yemenis had loved ones taken away from them by the Saleh's PLO never to return. And yet another individual who was in the General Peoples Congress in Yemen. He disagreed with something that I want go into now, but he was put in prison and tortured. These people including many more called me to express their support for me and my wife's goal to have our government stop the aid to Yemen. Many still live in fear today that Saleh's PLO agents will find them and either hurt them or their families. Liberals please take note: Saleh's regimes is a real dictatorship, not Bush and America. That's what the Yemenis came here for, the freedoms we have and enjoy everyday.
And this last line is for the Pro Saleh People. I will not be dissuaded by your phone calls, and or implied threats. So enjoy your power trip while you can.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Senator Cornyn of Texas Fighting to Keep Gitmo Open
Republican Senator Cornyn of Texas opposes giving terrorists the same rights as American citizens. Sounds like common sense right? Because it is! And its the right thing to do as well.
But if Obama has his way he plans to close Guantanamo Bay once and for all. Under the Obama plan some terrorists would be freed back to their respective countries like Yemen. Where they would then be free to join Al-Qaeda again. And just as bad, or if not worse Obama wants to have the remaining terrorists tried with constitutional rights, and open trials. And we all know what that means. Most of them would not even make it to court. Their cases would be thrown out on any number of technical legalities.
Of course this is just what the far left liberals want, and what Obama promised them back in the campaign. Obama has already reneged on some of his promises to the liberals who voted for him. I had hoped that closing Guantanamo Bay was just another empty promise that he would not keep. But it looks like he needs a bone to throw to his liberal supporters to keep them happy. And that bone is Guantanamo Prison. And God knows that his liberal supporters are salivating in anticipation of sinking their teeth into that bone.
Its going to take some extremely brave politicians to see to it that our military members have not fought and died in vain to capture these terrorists just so their leaders can turn around and set them free.
So if you are one of the Americans and or any other nationality that has not forgotten all the real victims of terrorism, then drop Senator Cornyn a quick email to tell him and his staff thanks for fighting the good fight!
But if Obama has his way he plans to close Guantanamo Bay once and for all. Under the Obama plan some terrorists would be freed back to their respective countries like Yemen. Where they would then be free to join Al-Qaeda again. And just as bad, or if not worse Obama wants to have the remaining terrorists tried with constitutional rights, and open trials. And we all know what that means. Most of them would not even make it to court. Their cases would be thrown out on any number of technical legalities.
Of course this is just what the far left liberals want, and what Obama promised them back in the campaign. Obama has already reneged on some of his promises to the liberals who voted for him. I had hoped that closing Guantanamo Bay was just another empty promise that he would not keep. But it looks like he needs a bone to throw to his liberal supporters to keep them happy. And that bone is Guantanamo Prison. And God knows that his liberal supporters are salivating in anticipation of sinking their teeth into that bone.
Its going to take some extremely brave politicians to see to it that our military members have not fought and died in vain to capture these terrorists just so their leaders can turn around and set them free.
So if you are one of the Americans and or any other nationality that has not forgotten all the real victims of terrorism, then drop Senator Cornyn a quick email to tell him and his staff thanks for fighting the good fight!
Monday, November 24, 2008

We all knew that Bush would send Bin ladens driver back to Dictator Saleh of Yemen. We had just hoped that he would not do it. But he has done it. Bin laden's former driver and bodyguard Salim Hamdan, who got only five and half measly years in prison for personally helping Bin Laden will soon be a free terrorist!
It had to happen in this "sympathy for terrorists" politically correct environment here in America at the present time. And more than likely that same attitude will be present for a few more years. Or at least until the next big 9/11 happens. But by then the damage will have been done.
The liberals would have us believe that Hamdan was totally ignorant that he was working for one of the most evil men in the world. That he was taking money for driving and guarding the man responsible for killing thousands of Americans in a matter of minutes. Plus the attack on the USS Cole, and all the attacks that killed Americans back in the 90's too. That in reality Hamdan had emotional issues,and that he had endured a bad childhood, and had seen horrible things which had lead him to make bad decisions. Plus he had a big family and he needed a job! The same BS we hear at just about every other terrorist/murderer's trial who has directly and or indirectly hurt and or killed innocent people. Your standard defense for sleazeballs. But it works about every time. He was not responsible for his own actions in other words.
So its extremely difficult for me to believe that Hamdan just kept his headphones on while jamming out to Def Leopard on his walk man when driving and guarding Bin Laden. Like Bin Laden would not do a through back ground check on his drivers and bodyguards loyal to his own fanatical beliefs. And not to mention that Hamdan did not overhear Bin laden and other top dogs bragging about, and planning other attacks.No! None of that could have happened according to the Space Cadets! Hamda was just in the wrong place at the wrong time! The poor guy.
So now Bush with only a few weeks left in office gives his old Buddy Saleh one last final present before he rides off into the sunset. I wish I could say that Hamdans release would be in exchange for one of the Cole Terrorists that Saleh refuses to let our government have. But I don't think so! I hope I am wrong. I just hope that Obama does not treat Saleh as good as as Clinton and Bush have. This guy has gotten over like a Fat Cat way too long.
Maybe what Clinton and Bush got back from Saleh will compensate in their minds at least, for the murder of 17 American sailors, and all the other evil that Saleh has committed on his own people too. I know I can't see any so called positive returns from supporting Saleh's corrupt and evil regime, and the number of other people who cannot see it either are growing everyday. Saleh is going to have to start building more prisons just to keep "unhappy journalists and citizens" in.
I wonder if Al-Qaeda will give Salim Hamdan A Welcome Home Party! Will he get his back wages from Bin Laden too? Or Will he at least get his old job back as driver and bodyguard? There is no excuse this time for Hamdan to hang out with killers. There never was really. But now he has completed years of psychotherapy while in prison, explored and healed his inner wounded child, and gained closure on several other troubling issues as well. So lets all hope that if he should return back to his old employer, that he will be able to persuade Bin Laden into turning himself in for the Greater Good of the World, and its Peoples.
I don't think so.
Terrorism: Politicians and Victims at 11/25/2008 04:20:00 PM
It had to happen in this "sympathy for terrorists" politically correct environment here in America at the present time. And more than likely that same attitude will be present for a few more years. Or at least until the next big 9/11 happens. But by then the damage will have been done.
The liberals would have us believe that Hamdan was totally ignorant that he was working for one of the most evil men in the world. That he was taking money for driving and guarding the man responsible for killing thousands of Americans in a matter of minutes. Plus the attack on the USS Cole, and all the attacks that killed Americans back in the 90's too. That in reality Hamdan had emotional issues,and that he had endured a bad childhood, and had seen horrible things which had lead him to make bad decisions. Plus he had a big family and he needed a job! The same BS we hear at just about every other terrorist/murderer's trial who has directly and or indirectly hurt and or killed innocent people. Your standard defense for sleazeballs. But it works about every time. He was not responsible for his own actions in other words.
So its extremely difficult for me to believe that Hamdan just kept his headphones on while jamming out to Def Leopard on his walk man when driving and guarding Bin Laden. Like Bin Laden would not do a through back ground check on his drivers and bodyguards loyal to his own fanatical beliefs. And not to mention that Hamdan did not overhear Bin laden and other top dogs bragging about, and planning other attacks.No! None of that could have happened according to the Space Cadets! Hamda was just in the wrong place at the wrong time! The poor guy.
So now Bush with only a few weeks left in office gives his old Buddy Saleh one last final present before he rides off into the sunset. I wish I could say that Hamdans release would be in exchange for one of the Cole Terrorists that Saleh refuses to let our government have. But I don't think so! I hope I am wrong. I just hope that Obama does not treat Saleh as good as as Clinton and Bush have. This guy has gotten over like a Fat Cat way too long.
Maybe what Clinton and Bush got back from Saleh will compensate in their minds at least, for the murder of 17 American sailors, and all the other evil that Saleh has committed on his own people too. I know I can't see any so called positive returns from supporting Saleh's corrupt and evil regime, and the number of other people who cannot see it either are growing everyday. Saleh is going to have to start building more prisons just to keep "unhappy journalists and citizens" in.
I wonder if Al-Qaeda will give Salim Hamdan A Welcome Home Party! Will he get his back wages from Bin Laden too? Or Will he at least get his old job back as driver and bodyguard? There is no excuse this time for Hamdan to hang out with killers. There never was really. But now he has completed years of psychotherapy while in prison, explored and healed his inner wounded child, and gained closure on several other troubling issues as well. So lets all hope that if he should return back to his old employer, that he will be able to persuade Bin Laden into turning himself in for the Greater Good of the World, and its Peoples.
I don't think so.
Terrorism: Politicians and Victims at 11/25/2008 04:20:00 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008

I have been surfing the net and reading blogs, newspapers, and articles on the result of the trial of the terrorist Al-Bahlul held two weeks ago at Gitmo. Which I was in attendance for. I knew that there would be much wailing, pulling of the hair,and grinding of the teeth amongst the liberals over the Bonehead's Life in Prison sentence which he received from the court.
But boy oh boy! I had no idea of the level of support that this producer of a snuff film has amongst liberals. Liberals are a weird bunch. That's why I used the picture of old Nancy to convey the perfect image of a liberal. They are supposed to be educated and mature adults. Yet they still act like they are back in college, the ivory tower. Where all the answers are in a book. Where everyone loves each other, where the world and all the peoples live in peace and harmony. Where we are all equal in intelligence, and physical strength. Where when you are presented with a problem, you just write a paper with the answer for the problem on it, and then turn the paper in to the professor, and presto the problem is solved! And then move on to the next problem.
I can see young people falling for this romantic Utopia ideology that is a core belief of communism, and socialism. Hell! It even sounded good to me when I was young. But these older liberals are either idiots, the terrorist Al-Buhul said that, not me. Or they are a few cans short of a six pack. Either way they need professional help.
What is it so hard and difficult for a liberal to understand that Al-Qaeda wants to kill Americans, and Jews. They could care less if the Americans they kill are liberals, conservatives, and or moderates. Al-Buhul said it so simple that even a liberal could understand it. "It does not matter if its a democrat or republican that is elected. We will still kill you."More or less those words. And,"the only difference between a democrat and a republican is that the republicans fight us." As I have said before, That's one big major difference.
I know that not all liberals have succumbed to these naive and unrealistic beliefs. That the main culprits are groups like the ACLU and other similar groups that hold radical and hardcore liberal beliefs, and some individual Americans. Here is sampling of what I found on their sites: "the educated detainee sat silent as he heard the sentence of life in prison", and "the detainee and his lawyer both refused to speak during Al-Buhlul's trial, yet received life in prison for making a video", and "the video Mr. Al-Buhul produced was a way for him to express his frustration at the Bush administration's war on Islam", and "Mr Al-Buhlul is not a violent man. All he wanted to do was to show the world how America and Israel are destroying Islam, and his people." I could on and on with more insane quotes from mentally unstable liberals. But the terrorist scumbag was given opportunity time and time again to speak. But refused too. And that video was and is nothing but a tool to be used to recruit more fanatics to kill more innocent people, and it revels in the blood and carnage that Al-Qaeda has inflicted upon its victims. Like I said, nothing but a snuff film. And Al-Buhlu is responsible for making that film, and for aiding and abetting Al-Qaeda. He chose not to defend himself. That was his choice. Not making a choice is a choice.
He had it all planned out. One Big Grandstand at the end of his trial. It was obvious to anyone. He kept asking the judge to delay his response before his sentence until Tuesday. The day of our elections. Thank-God the judge refused to play into his little game. So finally when he realized that he had better speak now or no one would hear his words of hate and violence, he began his speech if you can call it that. He ranted and raved about nothing but death to American and Jews. He had made a little ship, and airplane out of paper to represent the Cole attack, and 9/11 attack. He bragged about those attacks, and the attacks to come. It was sickening.
And now we have the New President who wants to close Gitmo, and to have the terrorists tried in our legal system. Where in the end they would walk away as free men, who got away with murder. And that's just what the ACLU and its radical followers want to happen. It my hope that Obama only used that promise to get the liberals to vote for him. And will not close Gitmo.
If Gitom closes it will be a major victory for the enemy. If terrorists are treated like common criminals are treated in our justice system today, then we forget about ever obtaining any useful information against the enemy. Another win for the enemy.Maybe though that's what its going to take to wake some American up again. When our streets have become like Israel. Where our schools are bombed, and our buses, and the malls. Where we will have to wear helmets, and flak vests when we go out shopping. Don't laugh either. Its amazing how we as humans can adapt to and even normalize abnormal behavior.
I know I never thought I would see the day that thugs like the terrorists are protected under the Geneva Convention. The Geneva Convention was drawn up so as to protect, and provide a few privileges to soldiers who represent nations at war. Not men and women who hide in civilian clothes while they kill unarmed civilians, and soldiers. Its called common sense. It was to dissuade the type of violence that Al-Qaeda engages in. You either fight in a recognized military or suffer the consequences. And yes I know that liberals have no understanding of common sense. You cannot find that in any text book. Common sense is learned through experience, and having a firm grasp on reality. And who ever accused Nancy Pelosi of living in reality, and or having common sense?
Terrorism: Politicians and Victims at 11/17/2008 03:45:00 PM
Terrorism: Politicians and Victims at 11/17/2008 03:45:00 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Trail Begins for Al-Buhlul of Al-Qaeda: Cole Attack
Yemeni by the name of Ali Hamza al-Bahlul began his trial today at Gitmo. He is the creep who on Bin ladens orders made a propaganda video which glorified the bombing of the USS Cole on 10/12/00.
This sleaze bag admits to pledging loyalty to Bin laden and to doing whatever necessary to kill Americans, Jews, and other infidels who disagree with Bin Ladens sick beliefs. The Violent propaganda video was designed to "awaken the Islamic revolt against America". And we all know that unfortunately it has work extremely well in helping to persuade young radical Islamic men to commit murder of innocent people.
He also served as a bodyguard for Bin Laden when he was not producing "hate" films. This nob head is a bona fide believer in Bin ladens warped and twisted ideology. It was reported that he was not going to participate in his trial. Just like a sulking little child who wants attention.
I want to wish the Military Commission Cole Team the best of luck in obtaining a a favorable outcome for this subhuman. Please excuse me if my opinion of him seems overly harsh. But keep in mind that this man made a video which I watched that glorified the murder of 17 innocent sailors. One of them, our son. A video that was and is intended to incite yet more murders of innocent people.
His despicable actions remind me of a child pervert who will film children who are being molested and sexually abused and then share those videos with his other sick and perverted friends. No doubt the ACLU will be there to protect his rights, and to scream how his actions were a "victimless crime". Whats odd is how the ACLU is always the first to yell "hate crime" when an a special individual here in America is murdered and or hurt in an attack. I never understood the idea of a hate crime anyway. If you kill someone, beat them, and or rape them its obvious that you do not hold any love for them. And its a sure bet that your feeling "hate" when you commit the crime. Yet I seriously doubt that the ACLU will want this man,and his group charged with a hate crime. But then again the ACLU and Common Sense are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
These idiots either cannot see how videos like the one he made of the Cole attack only encourage more attacks and more murders, and or the emotional damage and pain that such a video elicits in the victims family members. Of course not. They are to worried and concerned about the criminal.
I know that the Cole Team is fighting hard for us and our murdered son. And will do everything possible to ensure that justice is served on this man. But then again we have "partisan politics" in every courtroom in these days. Americans so fanatic about their own party beliefs that they will do all they can for our enemies just so they can make the other party look bad. And when you really think about it, Americans who are guilty of such thinking that sets terrorists free, and or minimizes their brutal acts of murder are just as evil as the terrorists themselves.
This sleaze bag admits to pledging loyalty to Bin laden and to doing whatever necessary to kill Americans, Jews, and other infidels who disagree with Bin Ladens sick beliefs. The Violent propaganda video was designed to "awaken the Islamic revolt against America". And we all know that unfortunately it has work extremely well in helping to persuade young radical Islamic men to commit murder of innocent people.
He also served as a bodyguard for Bin Laden when he was not producing "hate" films. This nob head is a bona fide believer in Bin ladens warped and twisted ideology. It was reported that he was not going to participate in his trial. Just like a sulking little child who wants attention.
I want to wish the Military Commission Cole Team the best of luck in obtaining a a favorable outcome for this subhuman. Please excuse me if my opinion of him seems overly harsh. But keep in mind that this man made a video which I watched that glorified the murder of 17 innocent sailors. One of them, our son. A video that was and is intended to incite yet more murders of innocent people.
His despicable actions remind me of a child pervert who will film children who are being molested and sexually abused and then share those videos with his other sick and perverted friends. No doubt the ACLU will be there to protect his rights, and to scream how his actions were a "victimless crime". Whats odd is how the ACLU is always the first to yell "hate crime" when an a special individual here in America is murdered and or hurt in an attack. I never understood the idea of a hate crime anyway. If you kill someone, beat them, and or rape them its obvious that you do not hold any love for them. And its a sure bet that your feeling "hate" when you commit the crime. Yet I seriously doubt that the ACLU will want this man,and his group charged with a hate crime. But then again the ACLU and Common Sense are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
These idiots either cannot see how videos like the one he made of the Cole attack only encourage more attacks and more murders, and or the emotional damage and pain that such a video elicits in the victims family members. Of course not. They are to worried and concerned about the criminal.
I know that the Cole Team is fighting hard for us and our murdered son. And will do everything possible to ensure that justice is served on this man. But then again we have "partisan politics" in every courtroom in these days. Americans so fanatic about their own party beliefs that they will do all they can for our enemies just so they can make the other party look bad. And when you really think about it, Americans who are guilty of such thinking that sets terrorists free, and or minimizes their brutal acts of murder are just as evil as the terrorists themselves.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
To Americans and Yemenis
Yemeni by the name of Ali Hamza al-Bahlul began his trial today at Gitmo. He is the creep who on Bin ladens orders made a propaganda video which glorified the bombing of the USS Cole on 10/12/00.
This sleaze bag admits to pledging loyalty to Bin laden and to doing whatever necessary to kill Americans, Jews, and other infidels who disagree with Bin Ladens sick beliefs. The Violent propaganda video was designed to "awaken the Islamic revolt against America". And we all know that unfortunately it has work extremely well in helping to persuade young radical Islamic men to commit murder of innocent people.
He also served as a bodyguard for Bin Laden when he was not producing "hate" films.This nob head is a bona fide believer in Bin ladens warped and twisted ideology. It was reported that he was not going to participate in his trial. Just like a sulking little child who wants attention.
I want to wish the Military Commission Cole Team the best of luck in obtaining a a favorable outcome for this subhuman. Please excuse me if my opinion of him seems overly harsh. But keep in mind that this man made a video which I watched that glorified the murder of 17 innocent sailors. One of them, our son. A video that was and is intended to incite yet more murders of innocent people.
His despicable actions remind me of a child pervert who will film children who are being molested and sexually abused and then share those videos with his other sick and perverted friends. No doubt the ACLU will be there to protect his rights, and to scream how his actions were a "victimless crime". Whats odd is how the ACLU is always the first to yell "hate crime" when an a special individual here in America is murdered and or hurt in an attack. I never understood the idea of a hate crime anyway. If you kill someone, beat them, and or rape them its obvious that you do not hold any love for them. And its a sure bet that your feeling "hate" when you commit the crime. Yet I seriously doubt that the ACLU will want this man,and his group charged with a hate crime. But then again the ACLU and Common Sense are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
These idiots either cannot see how videos like the one he made of the Cole attack only encourage more attacks and more murders, and or the emotional damage and pain that such a video elicits in the victims family members. Of course not. They are to worried and concerned about the criminal.
I know that the Cole Team is fighting hard for us and our murdered son. And will do everything possible to ensure that justice is served on this man. But then again we have "partisan politics" in every courtroom in these days. Americans so fanatic about their own party beliefs that they will do all they can for our enemies just so they can make the other party look bad. And when you really think about it, Americans who are guilty of such thinking that sets terrorists free, and or minimizes their brutal acts of murder are just as evil as the terrorists themselves.
This sleaze bag admits to pledging loyalty to Bin laden and to doing whatever necessary to kill Americans, Jews, and other infidels who disagree with Bin Ladens sick beliefs. The Violent propaganda video was designed to "awaken the Islamic revolt against America". And we all know that unfortunately it has work extremely well in helping to persuade young radical Islamic men to commit murder of innocent people.
He also served as a bodyguard for Bin Laden when he was not producing "hate" films.This nob head is a bona fide believer in Bin ladens warped and twisted ideology. It was reported that he was not going to participate in his trial. Just like a sulking little child who wants attention.
I want to wish the Military Commission Cole Team the best of luck in obtaining a a favorable outcome for this subhuman. Please excuse me if my opinion of him seems overly harsh. But keep in mind that this man made a video which I watched that glorified the murder of 17 innocent sailors. One of them, our son. A video that was and is intended to incite yet more murders of innocent people.
His despicable actions remind me of a child pervert who will film children who are being molested and sexually abused and then share those videos with his other sick and perverted friends. No doubt the ACLU will be there to protect his rights, and to scream how his actions were a "victimless crime". Whats odd is how the ACLU is always the first to yell "hate crime" when an a special individual here in America is murdered and or hurt in an attack. I never understood the idea of a hate crime anyway. If you kill someone, beat them, and or rape them its obvious that you do not hold any love for them. And its a sure bet that your feeling "hate" when you commit the crime. Yet I seriously doubt that the ACLU will want this man,and his group charged with a hate crime. But then again the ACLU and Common Sense are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
These idiots either cannot see how videos like the one he made of the Cole attack only encourage more attacks and more murders, and or the emotional damage and pain that such a video elicits in the victims family members. Of course not. They are to worried and concerned about the criminal.
I know that the Cole Team is fighting hard for us and our murdered son. And will do everything possible to ensure that justice is served on this man. But then again we have "partisan politics" in every courtroom in these days. Americans so fanatic about their own party beliefs that they will do all they can for our enemies just so they can make the other party look bad. And when you really think about it, Americans who are guilty of such thinking that sets terrorists free, and or minimizes their brutal acts of murder are just as evil as the terrorists themselves.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Letter To President Saleh of Yemen
October 10, 2008
President Saleh,It's that time of year again; yet another anniversary of the attack on the USS Cole in Port Aden, Yemen on October 12th, 2000. In that attack, our son and sixteen of his mates were brutally murdered, and 39 other sailors were wounded. Since the last time I wrote you a year ago, many changes, some positive and some not, have occurred in relation to the attack on the Cole and the status of your corrupt regime.
First and foremost, we wrote our Texas representative and members of Congress asking for a Congressional Hearing into why our government still supports your dictatorship after you gave the plotters and planners of the Cole attack reduced sentences and pardons for the murders of 17 American Sailors. The rest of the convicted killers conveniently escaped from your prisons. And some remain free to this day, eight years after the attack.
Our Senators have kept us informed as to our requests. We received word recently from them that next year Congress will hold Judiciary Committee hearings. We are extremely grateful to the politicians who have decided that its way past the time to review and hopefully take action against you and your regime. And to put an end to all your worthless and broken promises that you made to two American presidents and our government.
It can now be stated as fact, President Saleh, that FBI Agent John O'Neil and his team were correct in their suspicion that you and your government knew much more about the pending attack on the Cole than you admitted after the attack. Unfortunately, Ambassador Bodine and President Clinton refused to let the FBI follow up on their leads and question members of your government and family after the attack. Instead FBI agent O'Neil was kicked out of your country for wanting to conduct a proper investigation. How ironic that he would be killed in the 9/11 attack less than one year later; an attack that-if Presidents Clinton and Bush had heeded his requests-would not have happened in all probability.
You Sir could have allowed a thorough investigation after the Cole attack, so all of the clues and evidence and even some of the terrorists who would participate in 9/11 could have been found. But instead you and government not only interfered with the investigation but threw up hurdles to impede and effectively stop the investigation. So really, sir, you and your government are not only guilty in the Cole attack, but just as guilty in withholding evidence and protecting suspects that would later take part in the attack on 9/11. We all know now, as many did then, that you were and still are covering up for your Al-Qaeda friends. You and your government did an excellent job at it too. All of the clues and leads that were just waiting to be pieced together after the Cole attack were concealed so well until it was too late to stop the next attack on our country less than a year later on September 11th.
There is a bright side for us in all of this for us, however. It is the fact that more and more people are now seeing how you have used and manipulated Al-Qaeda and two American administrations to achieve your own sick and twisted goals. More major US newspapers in the past year are now reporting how common it is for you to use Al-Qaeda as a friend one day (to fight for you to help quell rebellions in your country and to keep your people oppressed), and then on the next day use Al-Qaeda as a tool to get more money, arms and other assistance from America. This past year we have watched as you imprisoned Yemeni journalists and activists who dared to question your regime's brutal tactics. My family and I were proud to sign the petition along with thousands of others to have those journalists freed. And just as important, if not more so, is all the dedication of the men and women at the Military Commission who are working extremely hard and effectively at bringing more of your Al-Qaeda friends to Justice for the murder of our son and his mates. Even in a democracy such as ours we have faults and obstacles to overcome. We actually have Americans in this country that would rather see terrorists who have murdered their fellow Americans set free than to receive their punishment for their crimes.
It's called partisan politics, or putting politics before the truth. But at least your terrorist friends stand to receive a more impartial trial here than they would from you. We all know how you treat killers. You free them to kill again. My wife and I look forward to watching that trial in person and seeing the first real justice ever served on the killers since the Cole attack. It is my sincerest hope that I will be able to bear witness in person regarding the misery that those terrorists have brought, not only to us but to others as well. It's also my hope that the killers you set free will be caught in the future, and that they too will stand trial in a real courtroom, one that adheres to the laws of truth and justice rather than some dictator's personal whims such as yourself.
My wife and I will go to visit our son's grave site this Sunday. I am going to read to him the letters from our congress people who are going to finally convene the long overdue Judiciary Hearings. I am also going to read to him how the American people are slowly beginning to realize how you and your regime have been allowed to get away with not only the murder of 17 sailors, but how your refusal to let the FBI conduct a proper Investigations led to one of the worst attacks on American soil, an attack that killed so many of my fellow Americans.
Our son's murder could have meant something at the time of the attack. But our government ignored it, because they were concerned about offending you, and because they were in the middle of a presidential election in the country. Historically major decisions are never made at such a time (be it by the Democrats' or Republicans') because they are concerned about negative fallout that might prevent them from keeping their jobs. The attack on the Cole could have been a wake up call for our leaders to take action before it was too late. Now our leaders have a second chance at correcting their first mistakes in dealing with you, your regime, and how they mishandled the aftermath of the Cole attack. They can all agree to stop the flow of money and arms to your regime. I hope they finally realize that its time put a stop to your policy of releasing known terrorists to kill other innocent people again, and your use of Al-Qaeda as a political tool to keep your regime in power in Yemen, and to squeeze more assistance from my government. The insanity has to be stopped sometime.
I think that you are now watching and living the end of your ruthless reign over your people and Yemen. And the end is coming to your continued manipulation of my government for your own personal power and wealth.
We are also going to share with him about all of our fellow Americans who are helping us in setting right the terrible wrongs committed after the Forgotten Cole attack, and the free
Yemenis who are working with us too. We know that he would be proud and happy to know that so many people want see him and his mates obtain the Justice that has been denied them for so many years now. All the help and support we have had from Americans and Yemenis makes me proud and still amazes me. It's one of my wife's greatest comforts to know that so many people care, while our government ignored her pleas for years. In closing Sir, I would like to add that we still have not received a letter of condolence from your government for our son's murder in your country at your request. We like to think that with a new President in office next year and other new politicians along with the ones now helping us will finally stop supporting your regime.
At least that action would give some meaning to our son's murder. So would knowing that he and his mates played a part in having one of the world's most devious, conniving, and murderous dictators removed from the position of power where you have caused so much death, destruction, and misery.
It's my hope that I will not be writing you this time next year, unless you are in prison, but instead to a new leader of Yemen, a leader who will abide by freedom of the press and speech, freedom of religion, and all the other norms of a free society.Remember the USS Cole, Mr. President. Because we the families of the murdered and wounded sailors and Americans and free Yemenis will not rest until we achieve our goal of ridding Yemen of your presence. We will not forget you Sir.
"A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inactions, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury."
Sincerely,Parents of Murdered Fireman, Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr.,Gary G. Swenchonis, Sr. and Deborah Swenchonis
President Saleh,It's that time of year again; yet another anniversary of the attack on the USS Cole in Port Aden, Yemen on October 12th, 2000. In that attack, our son and sixteen of his mates were brutally murdered, and 39 other sailors were wounded. Since the last time I wrote you a year ago, many changes, some positive and some not, have occurred in relation to the attack on the Cole and the status of your corrupt regime.
First and foremost, we wrote our Texas representative and members of Congress asking for a Congressional Hearing into why our government still supports your dictatorship after you gave the plotters and planners of the Cole attack reduced sentences and pardons for the murders of 17 American Sailors. The rest of the convicted killers conveniently escaped from your prisons. And some remain free to this day, eight years after the attack.
Our Senators have kept us informed as to our requests. We received word recently from them that next year Congress will hold Judiciary Committee hearings. We are extremely grateful to the politicians who have decided that its way past the time to review and hopefully take action against you and your regime. And to put an end to all your worthless and broken promises that you made to two American presidents and our government.
It can now be stated as fact, President Saleh, that FBI Agent John O'Neil and his team were correct in their suspicion that you and your government knew much more about the pending attack on the Cole than you admitted after the attack. Unfortunately, Ambassador Bodine and President Clinton refused to let the FBI follow up on their leads and question members of your government and family after the attack. Instead FBI agent O'Neil was kicked out of your country for wanting to conduct a proper investigation. How ironic that he would be killed in the 9/11 attack less than one year later; an attack that-if Presidents Clinton and Bush had heeded his requests-would not have happened in all probability.
You Sir could have allowed a thorough investigation after the Cole attack, so all of the clues and evidence and even some of the terrorists who would participate in 9/11 could have been found. But instead you and government not only interfered with the investigation but threw up hurdles to impede and effectively stop the investigation. So really, sir, you and your government are not only guilty in the Cole attack, but just as guilty in withholding evidence and protecting suspects that would later take part in the attack on 9/11. We all know now, as many did then, that you were and still are covering up for your Al-Qaeda friends. You and your government did an excellent job at it too. All of the clues and leads that were just waiting to be pieced together after the Cole attack were concealed so well until it was too late to stop the next attack on our country less than a year later on September 11th.
There is a bright side for us in all of this for us, however. It is the fact that more and more people are now seeing how you have used and manipulated Al-Qaeda and two American administrations to achieve your own sick and twisted goals. More major US newspapers in the past year are now reporting how common it is for you to use Al-Qaeda as a friend one day (to fight for you to help quell rebellions in your country and to keep your people oppressed), and then on the next day use Al-Qaeda as a tool to get more money, arms and other assistance from America. This past year we have watched as you imprisoned Yemeni journalists and activists who dared to question your regime's brutal tactics. My family and I were proud to sign the petition along with thousands of others to have those journalists freed. And just as important, if not more so, is all the dedication of the men and women at the Military Commission who are working extremely hard and effectively at bringing more of your Al-Qaeda friends to Justice for the murder of our son and his mates. Even in a democracy such as ours we have faults and obstacles to overcome. We actually have Americans in this country that would rather see terrorists who have murdered their fellow Americans set free than to receive their punishment for their crimes.
It's called partisan politics, or putting politics before the truth. But at least your terrorist friends stand to receive a more impartial trial here than they would from you. We all know how you treat killers. You free them to kill again. My wife and I look forward to watching that trial in person and seeing the first real justice ever served on the killers since the Cole attack. It is my sincerest hope that I will be able to bear witness in person regarding the misery that those terrorists have brought, not only to us but to others as well. It's also my hope that the killers you set free will be caught in the future, and that they too will stand trial in a real courtroom, one that adheres to the laws of truth and justice rather than some dictator's personal whims such as yourself.
My wife and I will go to visit our son's grave site this Sunday. I am going to read to him the letters from our congress people who are going to finally convene the long overdue Judiciary Hearings. I am also going to read to him how the American people are slowly beginning to realize how you and your regime have been allowed to get away with not only the murder of 17 sailors, but how your refusal to let the FBI conduct a proper Investigations led to one of the worst attacks on American soil, an attack that killed so many of my fellow Americans.
Our son's murder could have meant something at the time of the attack. But our government ignored it, because they were concerned about offending you, and because they were in the middle of a presidential election in the country. Historically major decisions are never made at such a time (be it by the Democrats' or Republicans') because they are concerned about negative fallout that might prevent them from keeping their jobs. The attack on the Cole could have been a wake up call for our leaders to take action before it was too late. Now our leaders have a second chance at correcting their first mistakes in dealing with you, your regime, and how they mishandled the aftermath of the Cole attack. They can all agree to stop the flow of money and arms to your regime. I hope they finally realize that its time put a stop to your policy of releasing known terrorists to kill other innocent people again, and your use of Al-Qaeda as a political tool to keep your regime in power in Yemen, and to squeeze more assistance from my government. The insanity has to be stopped sometime.
I think that you are now watching and living the end of your ruthless reign over your people and Yemen. And the end is coming to your continued manipulation of my government for your own personal power and wealth.
We are also going to share with him about all of our fellow Americans who are helping us in setting right the terrible wrongs committed after the Forgotten Cole attack, and the free
Yemenis who are working with us too. We know that he would be proud and happy to know that so many people want see him and his mates obtain the Justice that has been denied them for so many years now. All the help and support we have had from Americans and Yemenis makes me proud and still amazes me. It's one of my wife's greatest comforts to know that so many people care, while our government ignored her pleas for years. In closing Sir, I would like to add that we still have not received a letter of condolence from your government for our son's murder in your country at your request. We like to think that with a new President in office next year and other new politicians along with the ones now helping us will finally stop supporting your regime.
At least that action would give some meaning to our son's murder. So would knowing that he and his mates played a part in having one of the world's most devious, conniving, and murderous dictators removed from the position of power where you have caused so much death, destruction, and misery.
It's my hope that I will not be writing you this time next year, unless you are in prison, but instead to a new leader of Yemen, a leader who will abide by freedom of the press and speech, freedom of religion, and all the other norms of a free society.Remember the USS Cole, Mr. President. Because we the families of the murdered and wounded sailors and Americans and free Yemenis will not rest until we achieve our goal of ridding Yemen of your presence. We will not forget you Sir.
"A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inactions, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury."
Sincerely,Parents of Murdered Fireman, Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr.,Gary G. Swenchonis, Sr. and Deborah Swenchonis
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
TheAmerican Press is finally really starting to expose the corrupt regime of Yemen. Which is governed by the ruthless dictator President Saleh. Saleh's notorious duplicity for using Al-Qaeada and both the Clinton and Bush administration is actually being reported on much more often now here in America. As well as his complicity for using Al-Qaeda to further his own political agenda. And then performing an about face and asking the administration for more money and arms to fight Al-Qaeda with.
But now that America is in that limbo where we are between the current president, and the next president Saleh is showing his true colors. His Foreign Minister About Bakr al-Qurbi has said that his government will continue to reject demands to arrest suspects that are wanted by the United Nations and the United States. These terrorists are financiers of Al-Qaeda, organizers and know terrorists who have murdered Americans like our son and his 16 mates.
Instead of releasing these terrorists to American to stand trial, Saleh puts them through a religious rehabilitation program and then sets them free. Many of these "rehabilitated" terrorists return right back to their terrorist activities. And he has been doing this for years now. And getting away with it while all Clinton and Bush have done is to "lodge complaints". And to keep supporting his ruthless regime.
Saleh will not even take the step of officially banning Islamist groups that scream for more violence and Jihad. While other Arabic nations have. His so called courts have released terrorists to go to Iraq to fight our soldiers, and now its believed that some of those terrorists may have returned from Iraq to take part in the latest attack on theUS Embassy.
And just this week Saleh voiced his support for the Mass murderer of the the Sudan, President Bashri. Again.
My family and I would like to say thank-you to both the Washington Post and Newsweek for their coverage of Saleh's Regime. Its so refreshing to actually read in major papers what many of us have know for years. And have been fighting not only Saleh's regime, but our own government to stop their support of Saleh's government who did nothing to of any real meaning to bring our son's killers to Justice. And how his government did everything possible to interfere with the FBI investigation into the Cole attack, and then to release those responsible for the planning, and organization of the attack.
We were informed this month that the Judiciary Committee will hold Hearing next year into the USS Cole attack. Its our hope that our son and and 16 mates and all those wounded in the attack will not be forgotten anymore my our government.
But now that America is in that limbo where we are between the current president, and the next president Saleh is showing his true colors. His Foreign Minister About Bakr al-Qurbi has said that his government will continue to reject demands to arrest suspects that are wanted by the United Nations and the United States. These terrorists are financiers of Al-Qaeda, organizers and know terrorists who have murdered Americans like our son and his 16 mates.
Instead of releasing these terrorists to American to stand trial, Saleh puts them through a religious rehabilitation program and then sets them free. Many of these "rehabilitated" terrorists return right back to their terrorist activities. And he has been doing this for years now. And getting away with it while all Clinton and Bush have done is to "lodge complaints". And to keep supporting his ruthless regime.
Saleh will not even take the step of officially banning Islamist groups that scream for more violence and Jihad. While other Arabic nations have. His so called courts have released terrorists to go to Iraq to fight our soldiers, and now its believed that some of those terrorists may have returned from Iraq to take part in the latest attack on theUS Embassy.
And just this week Saleh voiced his support for the Mass murderer of the the Sudan, President Bashri. Again.
My family and I would like to say thank-you to both the Washington Post and Newsweek for their coverage of Saleh's Regime. Its so refreshing to actually read in major papers what many of us have know for years. And have been fighting not only Saleh's regime, but our own government to stop their support of Saleh's government who did nothing to of any real meaning to bring our son's killers to Justice. And how his government did everything possible to interfere with the FBI investigation into the Cole attack, and then to release those responsible for the planning, and organization of the attack.
We were informed this month that the Judiciary Committee will hold Hearing next year into the USS Cole attack. Its our hope that our son and and 16 mates and all those wounded in the attack will not be forgotten anymore my our government.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Terrorists Use Former Israeli Land to launch Attacks
Terrorists used former Jewish Communities in the Gaza Strip as training grounds for future attacks on Israeli citizens this past week-end. The Palestinian terrorists are tickled pink that they now have so much room to conduct large terrorists training exercises. So much for Bush's Peace Plan huh?
But then again Bush will be out of office shortly which means it want be his problem anymore. And Rice was just in Israel last week to encourage the Israeli government to give more land to the terrorists, and for Israel to free more Palestinian murderers back to Palestine.
Is this insane or what? Now the Palestinians can use settlements complete with synagogues and houses that once belonged to Israelis to train freed terrorists who were once locked up in Israeli prisons to kill more Israelis. And Bush and Rice call that "peace with progress". Nothing like professional politics and politicians.
Abu Muhammad stated that Palestinian terrorists groups are using the cease fire with Israel to stock up on more weapons to attack Israeli citizens with. But then again before Israel retreated from the contested territories back in 2005 they stated that they would use the former Jewish settlements to train on and too attack Israel from in the future. Unfortunately they lived up to their word. Like no-one, except professional politicians and liberals excluded did not see this coming.
Even more sickening is that the Palestinian terrorists were showing off their training of young boys between the ages of 9 and 12. "I am learning how to fight the Jews and to kill Jewish children", remarked one 11 year old boy. Nothing like passing on a time honored family tradition to your children.
And we have politicians who actually think that by having Israel to give up more lands, and to free more Palestinian terrorists will make these fanatics stop killing Israeli citizens. Its not worked in the past, and its not working now.
But then again Bush will be out of office shortly which means it want be his problem anymore. And Rice was just in Israel last week to encourage the Israeli government to give more land to the terrorists, and for Israel to free more Palestinian murderers back to Palestine.
Is this insane or what? Now the Palestinians can use settlements complete with synagogues and houses that once belonged to Israelis to train freed terrorists who were once locked up in Israeli prisons to kill more Israelis. And Bush and Rice call that "peace with progress". Nothing like professional politics and politicians.
Abu Muhammad stated that Palestinian terrorists groups are using the cease fire with Israel to stock up on more weapons to attack Israeli citizens with. But then again before Israel retreated from the contested territories back in 2005 they stated that they would use the former Jewish settlements to train on and too attack Israel from in the future. Unfortunately they lived up to their word. Like no-one, except professional politicians and liberals excluded did not see this coming.
Even more sickening is that the Palestinian terrorists were showing off their training of young boys between the ages of 9 and 12. "I am learning how to fight the Jews and to kill Jewish children", remarked one 11 year old boy. Nothing like passing on a time honored family tradition to your children.
And we have politicians who actually think that by having Israel to give up more lands, and to free more Palestinian terrorists will make these fanatics stop killing Israeli citizens. Its not worked in the past, and its not working now.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Yemen Refuses to Extridite Cole Bomber
Yemen's Foreign Minister stated that his government will not release Jamal al-Badwai who helped to murder 17 American Sailors, and Jaber Elbaneh who has a five million dollar reward on his head for providing support and or resources to foreign terrorists organizations. President Saleh's government has been sympathetic to Al-Qaeda for years now. And has sheltered know murders wanted for various terror attacks including the attack on the USS Cole. It was revealed in one of the show trials of one of the terrorists that Saleh's government had helped to facilitate the attack on the USS Cole in more ways than one.
President Saleh continues to release these killers while the Bush administration does nothing but whine and complain.
Just recently a Yemeni journalist was given six long years of hard labour for speaking out against Saleh and his regime. His name is Abdul Karim al-Khaiwani. He was the editor-in-chief of of the website Before he was arrested this time he had been harassed, abducted and imprisoned, his web site blocked, and his family threatened. I wish the man luck in getting out of his predicament. I also applaud his courage to stand up to Saleh at the risk of his own life, and freedom. I just wish Bush and our own politicians had the courage that this man has to stand up to Saleh's regime.
Lets not forget this is the regime that both President Clinton and President Bush have supported for years now. Bush continues to demonstrate his support for the brutal dictator even as Saleh's beleaguered regimes problems continue to mount.
And those problems are serious. Saleh has been dealing with an insurgency in the North of Yemen, riots in the South, and his fair weather friends Al-Qaeda have increased thier attacks across the country. But Saleh is a master at using all these threats to his advantage in dealing with other nations, especially America. Bush continues to let Saleh get away with the murder of 17 American sailors, and the oppression of democracy for fears that Al-Qeada will take over the country if he stops providing aid to Salehs dictatorship. Saleh has used his worthless promises to rid the country of Al-Qeada for years now in exchange for assistance from Bush. While just the opposite is taking place now. Al-Qeada's new chief in Yemen has ordered more attacks in Yemen, and more in the future. And it appears that Bin laden may be setting Yemen up for a new battleground, and a future stronghold for Al-Qaeda as well. Granted, all these problems are nothing new to Saleh. He has dealt with them for years now. And has made a fortune from them in aid from various countries. But what is new is Al-Qaeda's change of direction in Yemen. And the reports that indicate that Yemen may just be the country that they are looking for as a major base of operations. Its strategically located, its population is divided, it has the perfect terrain for guerrilla warfare, tribes sympathetic to Al-Qaeda, and a corrupt government just to name a few enticements for Bin-Laden.
And even though Bush must realize that Saleh outwitted him, just as he did Clinton. He is really powerless to do anything now. Saleh and Al-Qaeda know it too. Now it just remains to be seen if Saleh can make a deal like he did before with Al-Qaeda to save his own neck, and his regime.
President Saleh continues to release these killers while the Bush administration does nothing but whine and complain.
Just recently a Yemeni journalist was given six long years of hard labour for speaking out against Saleh and his regime. His name is Abdul Karim al-Khaiwani. He was the editor-in-chief of of the website Before he was arrested this time he had been harassed, abducted and imprisoned, his web site blocked, and his family threatened. I wish the man luck in getting out of his predicament. I also applaud his courage to stand up to Saleh at the risk of his own life, and freedom. I just wish Bush and our own politicians had the courage that this man has to stand up to Saleh's regime.
Lets not forget this is the regime that both President Clinton and President Bush have supported for years now. Bush continues to demonstrate his support for the brutal dictator even as Saleh's beleaguered regimes problems continue to mount.
And those problems are serious. Saleh has been dealing with an insurgency in the North of Yemen, riots in the South, and his fair weather friends Al-Qaeda have increased thier attacks across the country. But Saleh is a master at using all these threats to his advantage in dealing with other nations, especially America. Bush continues to let Saleh get away with the murder of 17 American sailors, and the oppression of democracy for fears that Al-Qeada will take over the country if he stops providing aid to Salehs dictatorship. Saleh has used his worthless promises to rid the country of Al-Qeada for years now in exchange for assistance from Bush. While just the opposite is taking place now. Al-Qeada's new chief in Yemen has ordered more attacks in Yemen, and more in the future. And it appears that Bin laden may be setting Yemen up for a new battleground, and a future stronghold for Al-Qaeda as well. Granted, all these problems are nothing new to Saleh. He has dealt with them for years now. And has made a fortune from them in aid from various countries. But what is new is Al-Qaeda's change of direction in Yemen. And the reports that indicate that Yemen may just be the country that they are looking for as a major base of operations. Its strategically located, its population is divided, it has the perfect terrain for guerrilla warfare, tribes sympathetic to Al-Qaeda, and a corrupt government just to name a few enticements for Bin-Laden.
And even though Bush must realize that Saleh outwitted him, just as he did Clinton. He is really powerless to do anything now. Saleh and Al-Qaeda know it too. Now it just remains to be seen if Saleh can make a deal like he did before with Al-Qaeda to save his own neck, and his regime.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Bush Refuses to Back Victims of Terror
The Palestinian Authority won a major legal battle against Ms. Aharon Ellis, another victim of terrorism in federal court last week. Her husband was brutally murdered by a Palestinian terrorist. A federal judge agreed to set aside a judgement of $200 million awarded to American victims of Palestinian terrorists attacks that a lower court had awarded.
The Palestinian government hopes that it can hide behind sympathetic American judges and politicians who care more about so called governments like the Palestinian Authority than they do their own citizens. The Palestinian Authority has been pleading with the Bush administration to help them win the court battle. Of course as so often happens in these type of cases our own politicians will publicly state how they support the rights of American Victims of Terrorist Attacks, while in reality they do absolutely nothing to help the victims.
The last article I wrote concerning Ms. Ellis's attempts to obtain some form of monetary justice is when I wished her good luck in actually getting anything from our courts. Historically, our own government has been, and continues to be the worst enemy of small groups of victims of terrorist attacks. Our presidents and politicians know that they can ignore our pleas for help, and get away it in most cases. Our elected leaders will often remain silent during these trials except to mouth the obligatory "Yes! We stand behind our citizens in their quest for justice!".While behind closed doors they make deals to ensure that the victims get the shaft. All for the sake of political expediency.
How refreshing it would be if our own government would apply even half the amount of energy it expends on protecting the Yemeni regime and the Palestinian Authority from their support of terrorism to putting that energy behind their own citizens efforts to obtain justice for the murders of their loved ones.
For decades now American leaders have been wrestling with the Palestinian and Israel conflict.Has that situation improved? No. As a matter of fact its deteriorated. And will continue to do so. It has to. Everyone knows that there is only two options for that problem. The first one is if Israel ceases to exist. And the second one is a continuation of what we have now. A constant state of war between Israel, and the factions that would destroy her as a nation. And all Israels enemies continue to grow in numbers, and strength with the passing of time.
I for one am disgusted at how our government caters to these thugs who call themselves civilized. And then our politicians will ignore our own citizens rights to justice so as not to offend these brutes. This past Saturday Condoleezza Rice embarked on yet another trip to Israel and Palestine to facilitate another round of Anger Management therapy between these two life long enemies. If there is one thing our government has not learned is the age old adage: "Keep doing the same thing over and over, and you will get the same results."Anybody remember old Peanut Carter blaring to the world back in seventies how "Peace is secured for the Middle East".Uh huh.
I can bet you good money that the issue of Ms. Ellis's lawsuit against the Palestinian Authority was one topic that President Mahmoud Abbas spoke to her about. And I can also bet that Ms Rice told him "not to worry" that your terrorist faction will not be bankrupted by that lawsuit.
And why can I make such a bold and incriminating statement against our own government you may wonder. Judge Marrero who set aside the award and will allow a new trial actually gave the Bush administration a chance to side with the American Victims and or the terrorists. Bushy chose the terrorists. All old Bush had to do was tell the judge that they supported "compensation for victims of terrorism." But that would have ticked off the Palestinian Authority. We can't have that now, can we? God forbid that our politicians take a stand for their own citizens, and do the right thing for once. They are more concerned that by protecting American citizens that it will anger the terrorists and keep peace from happening. What friking peace! These psychos could care less about peace. They want Israel the only true democracy in the Middle East demolished for good. So here we go again, applying another band-aid to the so called peace process. What a farce. But then again if there is one thing that our politicians excel at is doing nothing and just hoping that the problem will go away, or at the very least be stabilized until they can retire.
The Bush administration actually told the judge that lawsuits by victims of terrorist acts could harm the "financial and political viability" of the Palestinian Authority! Like if most Americans care if a bunch of terrorists lose money.
And to demonstrate my point in the futility of our government dealing with the Palestinian Authority for a lasting peace all one has to do is research how every terror loving fanatic in the Middle East is traveling to Palestine to set up camp. And you can bet that they are not going there for a camel barbecue, and a sing along.
Even Bin laden announced this past December that Palestine is the next big "Jihad Playground" for Al-Qaeda. He does not plan to really get engaged there until after the American elections.Excellent decision on his part. If we elect a democrat here in America half his work will be done for him. He is probably praying his heart out to Allah that we elect another Clinton. Can you blame him. He had free hunting during the Clinton years. Bin laden's is probably doing a little dance just at the thought of another spineless president like Clinton.
Al-Qaeda is now in the process of preparing for their arrival in force to Palestine by issuing instructions for Palestinians. Informing them on nifty little things such as how to make homemade bombs, training in the martial arts, and the teaching Palestinian youth the "fighting and scientific skills". Just to name a few things. Its not as if the Palestinians don't know how to kill innocent people. They have proven themselves very efficient at that skill. But now they will be getting help from another big time player. Plus they already have the backing of Iran, and Syria. So they are off to a good start as a fledgling nation that not only supports terrorism, but actively engages in terrorist acts as well.
And then we have our own politicians and some Americans that are doing everything in their power to ensure that they will continue on this path without any negative consequences. All for the false perception of peace between Israel and Palestine. While America victims of terrorists attacks are ignored, and treated with the utmost disrespect in their attempts to acquire some small measure of justice for their murdered loved ones.
Our government should be ashamed of itself. How our politicians can continue to protect thugs like the Palestinian Authority, and the corrupt Yemeni Regime is beyond me. Especially in lieu of the facts that the terrorists in the Middle East continue to make gains in just about every area.You would think that our government would at the very least take a more supportive stance for the victims here at home. But then again that is the right thing to do. And since when has our government put right before political expediency in dealing with small groups of victims?
How about never.
The Palestinian government hopes that it can hide behind sympathetic American judges and politicians who care more about so called governments like the Palestinian Authority than they do their own citizens. The Palestinian Authority has been pleading with the Bush administration to help them win the court battle. Of course as so often happens in these type of cases our own politicians will publicly state how they support the rights of American Victims of Terrorist Attacks, while in reality they do absolutely nothing to help the victims.
The last article I wrote concerning Ms. Ellis's attempts to obtain some form of monetary justice is when I wished her good luck in actually getting anything from our courts. Historically, our own government has been, and continues to be the worst enemy of small groups of victims of terrorist attacks. Our presidents and politicians know that they can ignore our pleas for help, and get away it in most cases. Our elected leaders will often remain silent during these trials except to mouth the obligatory "Yes! We stand behind our citizens in their quest for justice!".While behind closed doors they make deals to ensure that the victims get the shaft. All for the sake of political expediency.
How refreshing it would be if our own government would apply even half the amount of energy it expends on protecting the Yemeni regime and the Palestinian Authority from their support of terrorism to putting that energy behind their own citizens efforts to obtain justice for the murders of their loved ones.
For decades now American leaders have been wrestling with the Palestinian and Israel conflict.Has that situation improved? No. As a matter of fact its deteriorated. And will continue to do so. It has to. Everyone knows that there is only two options for that problem. The first one is if Israel ceases to exist. And the second one is a continuation of what we have now. A constant state of war between Israel, and the factions that would destroy her as a nation. And all Israels enemies continue to grow in numbers, and strength with the passing of time.
I for one am disgusted at how our government caters to these thugs who call themselves civilized. And then our politicians will ignore our own citizens rights to justice so as not to offend these brutes. This past Saturday Condoleezza Rice embarked on yet another trip to Israel and Palestine to facilitate another round of Anger Management therapy between these two life long enemies. If there is one thing our government has not learned is the age old adage: "Keep doing the same thing over and over, and you will get the same results."Anybody remember old Peanut Carter blaring to the world back in seventies how "Peace is secured for the Middle East".Uh huh.
I can bet you good money that the issue of Ms. Ellis's lawsuit against the Palestinian Authority was one topic that President Mahmoud Abbas spoke to her about. And I can also bet that Ms Rice told him "not to worry" that your terrorist faction will not be bankrupted by that lawsuit.
And why can I make such a bold and incriminating statement against our own government you may wonder. Judge Marrero who set aside the award and will allow a new trial actually gave the Bush administration a chance to side with the American Victims and or the terrorists. Bushy chose the terrorists. All old Bush had to do was tell the judge that they supported "compensation for victims of terrorism." But that would have ticked off the Palestinian Authority. We can't have that now, can we? God forbid that our politicians take a stand for their own citizens, and do the right thing for once. They are more concerned that by protecting American citizens that it will anger the terrorists and keep peace from happening. What friking peace! These psychos could care less about peace. They want Israel the only true democracy in the Middle East demolished for good. So here we go again, applying another band-aid to the so called peace process. What a farce. But then again if there is one thing that our politicians excel at is doing nothing and just hoping that the problem will go away, or at the very least be stabilized until they can retire.
The Bush administration actually told the judge that lawsuits by victims of terrorist acts could harm the "financial and political viability" of the Palestinian Authority! Like if most Americans care if a bunch of terrorists lose money.
And to demonstrate my point in the futility of our government dealing with the Palestinian Authority for a lasting peace all one has to do is research how every terror loving fanatic in the Middle East is traveling to Palestine to set up camp. And you can bet that they are not going there for a camel barbecue, and a sing along.
Even Bin laden announced this past December that Palestine is the next big "Jihad Playground" for Al-Qaeda. He does not plan to really get engaged there until after the American elections.Excellent decision on his part. If we elect a democrat here in America half his work will be done for him. He is probably praying his heart out to Allah that we elect another Clinton. Can you blame him. He had free hunting during the Clinton years. Bin laden's is probably doing a little dance just at the thought of another spineless president like Clinton.
Al-Qaeda is now in the process of preparing for their arrival in force to Palestine by issuing instructions for Palestinians. Informing them on nifty little things such as how to make homemade bombs, training in the martial arts, and the teaching Palestinian youth the "fighting and scientific skills". Just to name a few things. Its not as if the Palestinians don't know how to kill innocent people. They have proven themselves very efficient at that skill. But now they will be getting help from another big time player. Plus they already have the backing of Iran, and Syria. So they are off to a good start as a fledgling nation that not only supports terrorism, but actively engages in terrorist acts as well.
And then we have our own politicians and some Americans that are doing everything in their power to ensure that they will continue on this path without any negative consequences. All for the false perception of peace between Israel and Palestine. While America victims of terrorists attacks are ignored, and treated with the utmost disrespect in their attempts to acquire some small measure of justice for their murdered loved ones.
Our government should be ashamed of itself. How our politicians can continue to protect thugs like the Palestinian Authority, and the corrupt Yemeni Regime is beyond me. Especially in lieu of the facts that the terrorists in the Middle East continue to make gains in just about every area.You would think that our government would at the very least take a more supportive stance for the victims here at home. But then again that is the right thing to do. And since when has our government put right before political expediency in dealing with small groups of victims?
How about never.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Bush Want Back Victims of Terrorism. Again
The reported today that the Bush administration is concerned that lawsuits by victims of terrorism could harm the "financial and political viability" of the Palestinian Authority. Same old story. Our government continues to ride the fence while stating how much it supports compensation for victims of terrorism. I can understand why Ms. Knox does not want the US State Department to get involved with her case. They would likely rule in favor of the terrorists.
Sad, but true. As I have wrote previously our government has done everything in their power to protect the corrupt regime of Yemen from being sued by us. They have also stood by as our sons killers have been pardoned, and given reduced sentences. All for the sake of political expediency for themselves. They also refused to let the FBI investigate Yemen officials for their part in our sons murdered. And rightly so from their point of view. Americans would be outraged if they knew their country was doing business with a government that has ties to Al-Qaeda, and supports terrorism. And that there is ample evidence to demonstrate that the Yemeni government was involved in the attack on the USS Cole.
I wish Ms Knox success in her battle with both our own government and the Palestinian Authority. She is going to need it.
Sad, but true. As I have wrote previously our government has done everything in their power to protect the corrupt regime of Yemen from being sued by us. They have also stood by as our sons killers have been pardoned, and given reduced sentences. All for the sake of political expediency for themselves. They also refused to let the FBI investigate Yemen officials for their part in our sons murdered. And rightly so from their point of view. Americans would be outraged if they knew their country was doing business with a government that has ties to Al-Qaeda, and supports terrorism. And that there is ample evidence to demonstrate that the Yemeni government was involved in the attack on the USS Cole.
I wish Ms Knox success in her battle with both our own government and the Palestinian Authority. She is going to need it.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Silly Season
02-25-08 Last week during the Democratic presidential debates, Obama stated "here we go again with the silly season". When Hilary accused him of plagiarism. And he was right to refer to her accusation as just another silly remark made by politicians during a campaign. But then again the "silly season" is year around now in politics unfortunately.
Look at how all the candidates keep upping the stakes with all their promises. Its gotten out of control, and verges on the insane. Obama promises to send everyone to college for free. Granted they will supposedly have to work for a time in the social services. And then Hilary comes out with a even better promise to beat Obamas promise. We have congress spending millions of dollars of tax payers money to get to the bottom of "steroid abuse, and video games that corrupt our youth" and other so called national emergencies that demand their attention. Is it any wonder that there is a disconnect between our politicians and Americans? How many people go to bed at night wondering and worrying how many ball players are getting strung out on steroids, and or how many parents are not being responsible enough to monitor what their children play and watch.
How refreshing would it be if we were to see our congress people really conducting investigations into issues which affect every single American, and our very lively hood. Its not going happen anytime soon. That would mean that they have to start holding themselves all accountable. Why no investigations concerning all the attacks on Americans prior to 9/11, and 9/11 itself. And I mean real investigations. Investigations by individuals in private security firms. Not politicians, retired military officers, and other individuals with connections to ourpoliticians? The answer is obvious. They would find the mistakes that our current leaders wish to forget. Instead we get these pseudo-investigations that find fault, but no-one to blame. Its the same story just about every time. The politicians count on Americans forgetting. And unfortunately we often do. So the silly season continues year around in Washington. The two parties making mad at each other during the campaign, and then kissing and making up after the election is over. Back to business as usual. All of them blaming each other as to why nothing gets done in Washington. All the while collecting a nice fat paycheck for keeping the Pork Barrels coming to their own districts.
I hope old Nader does run again. The democrats and the republicans cannot stand a third party. Even if that individual is only a minor irritation to both parties. But at least a third party makes them sit up and take notice that there is a segment of Americans that refuse to believe their silly promises, and is sick and tired of all the old lies that our politicians spout off every four years. And Congrats to Ron Paul for making their life a little more difficult with his continued campaign. The silly season will continue all year around until we as Americans are fed up with it. And demand that our politicians quit acting like spoiled children, and start the process of becoming real politicians who have to make hard and difficult decisions. And realize that those decisions may not get them re-elected the next time around.
I like how Obama appears to really want to change government. "Out with the old, in with the new " to quote an old advertisement. But I suspect that all his promises will come to nothing once he is elected. But then again I hope I am wrong. But so far his promises are nothing new to most Americans. We have all heard them before. "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple." Oscar Wilde
Look at how all the candidates keep upping the stakes with all their promises. Its gotten out of control, and verges on the insane. Obama promises to send everyone to college for free. Granted they will supposedly have to work for a time in the social services. And then Hilary comes out with a even better promise to beat Obamas promise. We have congress spending millions of dollars of tax payers money to get to the bottom of "steroid abuse, and video games that corrupt our youth" and other so called national emergencies that demand their attention. Is it any wonder that there is a disconnect between our politicians and Americans? How many people go to bed at night wondering and worrying how many ball players are getting strung out on steroids, and or how many parents are not being responsible enough to monitor what their children play and watch.
How refreshing would it be if we were to see our congress people really conducting investigations into issues which affect every single American, and our very lively hood. Its not going happen anytime soon. That would mean that they have to start holding themselves all accountable. Why no investigations concerning all the attacks on Americans prior to 9/11, and 9/11 itself. And I mean real investigations. Investigations by individuals in private security firms. Not politicians, retired military officers, and other individuals with connections to ourpoliticians? The answer is obvious. They would find the mistakes that our current leaders wish to forget. Instead we get these pseudo-investigations that find fault, but no-one to blame. Its the same story just about every time. The politicians count on Americans forgetting. And unfortunately we often do. So the silly season continues year around in Washington. The two parties making mad at each other during the campaign, and then kissing and making up after the election is over. Back to business as usual. All of them blaming each other as to why nothing gets done in Washington. All the while collecting a nice fat paycheck for keeping the Pork Barrels coming to their own districts.
I hope old Nader does run again. The democrats and the republicans cannot stand a third party. Even if that individual is only a minor irritation to both parties. But at least a third party makes them sit up and take notice that there is a segment of Americans that refuse to believe their silly promises, and is sick and tired of all the old lies that our politicians spout off every four years. And Congrats to Ron Paul for making their life a little more difficult with his continued campaign. The silly season will continue all year around until we as Americans are fed up with it. And demand that our politicians quit acting like spoiled children, and start the process of becoming real politicians who have to make hard and difficult decisions. And realize that those decisions may not get them re-elected the next time around.
I like how Obama appears to really want to change government. "Out with the old, in with the new " to quote an old advertisement. But I suspect that all his promises will come to nothing once he is elected. But then again I hope I am wrong. But so far his promises are nothing new to most Americans. We have all heard them before. "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple." Oscar Wilde
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saleh Frees Another Terrorist
Here we go again! President Saleh of Yemen and his corrupt judicial system has let another terrorist free to plan and conduct more terrorist attacks on innocent people. The FBI is offering a 5 million dollar reward for Jaber Elbaneh capture. He was tried and convicted to 10 years imprisonment for masterminding two attacks in the eastern Marid and Hadramawt provinces in September of 2006. Him and 22 of his fellow terrorists busted out of jail in Yemen.
The words "busted out" are really inappropriate when describing jail breaks in Yemen. Terrorist routinely break out of jail, and prison in Yemen. The bombers of the USS Cole were allowed to escape at least twice. And then rewarded with reduced sentences and pardons by President Saleh for their efforts. According to the Associated Press Jaber surrendered to Yemeni authorities and was allowed to go free with their blessings. This past week he attended his trial, introduced himself to the judge and then left.
Of course the Bush administration denounced this action with strong protests. Again. Just like they always do. Harsh words without any action to back up their strong words. But Bush still continues to provide support to the terrorist loving government of Yemen. The actions by the Yemen Courts are disgraceful and an affront to any individual who values human life, and the rule of law which ensures that fanatical killers will be placed behind bars so as not to take more innocent lives. But Bush continues his support for President Saleh of Yemen. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence that Saleh supports terrorism.
The words "busted out" are really inappropriate when describing jail breaks in Yemen. Terrorist routinely break out of jail, and prison in Yemen. The bombers of the USS Cole were allowed to escape at least twice. And then rewarded with reduced sentences and pardons by President Saleh for their efforts. According to the Associated Press Jaber surrendered to Yemeni authorities and was allowed to go free with their blessings. This past week he attended his trial, introduced himself to the judge and then left.
Of course the Bush administration denounced this action with strong protests. Again. Just like they always do. Harsh words without any action to back up their strong words. But Bush still continues to provide support to the terrorist loving government of Yemen. The actions by the Yemen Courts are disgraceful and an affront to any individual who values human life, and the rule of law which ensures that fanatical killers will be placed behind bars so as not to take more innocent lives. But Bush continues his support for President Saleh of Yemen. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence that Saleh supports terrorism.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
News on the War
Just some of the news regarding the War on Terrorism the past few days. It appears that our fickle ally Yemen has freed yet another terrorist wanted by American Authorities. His name is Anwar al-Awlaki. I am currently looking for more information on this terrorist. One report states that the Government of Yemen did in fact free him, I also saw another article repeating the same thing. But never the less, his being freed by the terrorist loving nation of Yemen comes as no surprise to me.
In other news our US Military has filed charges against Bin Ladens former body guard Ali Hazmza Suliman al Bahlul as reported by Reuters News Service. This sicko is being charged with developing a "recruiting video glorifying the bombing of the USS Cole." Its disgusting to even think about how these idiots will sit around getting their jollies as they view the carnage created by their fellow terrorists in a video. Of course he is also being charged with conspiracy, and solicitation to commit murder, and providing the support for terrorism. Thank God its a military court. Otherwise with all the sympathy floating around here lately in America for these killers, otherwise he would probably go free.
And then we have the local yokel Hassan Abu-Jihaad who is being tried for providing material support to his terrorist friends with the intent to kill his fellow Americans. This psycho actually sent his terrorist friends email while serving on the USS Benfold praising Osama Bin Laden and the other terrorists who attacked the USS Cole. Its a shame that some of his shipmates did not catch him in the act. I think his punishment at that time would have been much more sever than what the government will dish out to him. Another interesting tidbit in the news was how the Defense Department awarded some individuals the "Medal for the War on Terrorism". I don't disagree with them getting their award and the recognition. Congrats to all of them! But seeing how our son, and 16 of his mates were killed in the same war and have yet to receive the same medal baffle me. We were told by two administrations that he was killed in the war on terror. Yet when we requested that his tombstone reflect that, we were denied. Yet one of the recipients only served 37 days and and received the medal. Our son paid with his life. But that's only another question that we want to put forth to our politicians in person at a congressional hearing. I hope!
And finally for today Washington officials denied a proposed design for a National Memorial to Victims of Terrorism. I personally am glad. Only because the design would not have reflected all the Victims prior to 9/11. That action by officials stunned me. Normally our politicians and officials go with the most haired brain ideas someone can think of. Or maybe it was because the design was of 76 naked females that figured into their denial. Who thinks these designs up anyway? That design is something a bunch of old hippies tripping out on acid would have put forward.
In other news our US Military has filed charges against Bin Ladens former body guard Ali Hazmza Suliman al Bahlul as reported by Reuters News Service. This sicko is being charged with developing a "recruiting video glorifying the bombing of the USS Cole." Its disgusting to even think about how these idiots will sit around getting their jollies as they view the carnage created by their fellow terrorists in a video. Of course he is also being charged with conspiracy, and solicitation to commit murder, and providing the support for terrorism. Thank God its a military court. Otherwise with all the sympathy floating around here lately in America for these killers, otherwise he would probably go free.
And then we have the local yokel Hassan Abu-Jihaad who is being tried for providing material support to his terrorist friends with the intent to kill his fellow Americans. This psycho actually sent his terrorist friends email while serving on the USS Benfold praising Osama Bin Laden and the other terrorists who attacked the USS Cole. Its a shame that some of his shipmates did not catch him in the act. I think his punishment at that time would have been much more sever than what the government will dish out to him. Another interesting tidbit in the news was how the Defense Department awarded some individuals the "Medal for the War on Terrorism". I don't disagree with them getting their award and the recognition. Congrats to all of them! But seeing how our son, and 16 of his mates were killed in the same war and have yet to receive the same medal baffle me. We were told by two administrations that he was killed in the war on terror. Yet when we requested that his tombstone reflect that, we were denied. Yet one of the recipients only served 37 days and and received the medal. Our son paid with his life. But that's only another question that we want to put forth to our politicians in person at a congressional hearing. I hope!
And finally for today Washington officials denied a proposed design for a National Memorial to Victims of Terrorism. I personally am glad. Only because the design would not have reflected all the Victims prior to 9/11. That action by officials stunned me. Normally our politicians and officials go with the most haired brain ideas someone can think of. Or maybe it was because the design was of 76 naked females that figured into their denial. Who thinks these designs up anyway? That design is something a bunch of old hippies tripping out on acid would have put forward.
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